Watering Your Lawn: Dos and Donts

When you’re in pursuit of a perfectly lush lawn, it’s easy to get disheartened by seasonal changes. Summer brings with it irregular rainfall, which increases the chances that you’ll end up with a dry or even dead lawn.

To combat that, many homeowners start getting into the habit of watering their lawns. But are they doing it right? You’re about to find out.

Watering a lawn in the summer

For how many minutes should I water my lawn?

It’s only natural to want vibrant lawns year-round, but summer can certainly pose some problems. That’s why many people take it upon themselves to water their lawns, so they remain the perfect shade of green year-round.  

Though, not everyone will know how long to water their grass. Believe it or not, there’s value in getting it right. If you water your lawn for short but periods, you may be causing your grass to grow shallow roots. As a result, the roots can’t access the nutrients and water they need further in the soil.

Grass that has been watered in this way can also be more vulnerable to pest damage, fungal disease, and weed invasion. Instead, water your lawns for around 20-30 minutes three times weekly. This amount of time allows moisture to travel to about 1-1.5 inches into the soil, promoting better root growth.

Can I water my lawn at night?

Depending on where you live, it can be challenging to find that ‘sweet spot’ regarding the best time to water your lawns. Not everyone has time in the morning to do it before the sun’s intensity increases, so they may decide to do it at night.

But ask any lawn or garden enthusiast, and they will warn against watering at night. Why is that, and can you water your lawn at night? It’s not particularly ideal. When you water your lawns at night, you’re increasing leaf wetness. This can lead to fungal problems – regardless of whether you believe your grass type is hardy or not.  

Given New Zealand’s extended daylight hours in summer, there is a little more wiggle room to water at night. However, you’ll need to make sure that nightfall is still a way off. When in doubt, water before 10 am.

How do I water my entire lawn?

You don’t see too many people wandering around their lawns with a watering can, so how do people water their entire lawn? Given that around 20-30 minutes of moisture is required for optimal lawn health, that would be a lot of time to be out with a watering can.

There are better ways to go about it. You can invest in an irrigation system for your lawn and even install a timer. Some people simply opt for sprinklers. However, these can be a bit more wasteful and non-targeted. Talk to your local lawn care company or garden store for advice on the best lawn watering equipment.

Is watering your lawn a waste of water?

If you’re a lawn-proud homeowner, you may never see watering your lawns as a waste of water. However, there will be times when it’s frowned upon to water your lawns when resources are scarce, or droughts are on the horizon.  

Before you set up a lawn-watering schedule, check with your local council regarding water shortages. During the summer months, some councils impose water restrictions to ensure everyone has access to the water they need for daily living. As a result, the use of water irrigation systems and sprinkles are sometimes prohibited.

If you have a rain barrel and have harvested your own rainwater, you may be able to attach a hose and connect it to a drip/soaker hose or sprinkler to ensure your lawns don’t suffer over the drier months of the year.

When to water grass in hot weather?

During summer, many parts of Aotearoa heat up quickly. It can almost seem like you’re fighting a losing battle against the mercury to make sure your lawns get enough water. The best time to water grass in hot weather is before the sun burns through the morning cloud.

Aim for before 10 am – ideally between 6 am and 8 am. To ensure you don’t forget, consider purchasing a timing system for your water irrigation unit that switches on the water at that ideal time so that you don’t have to.

How long to water with a lawn sprinkler?

If you are using a sprinkler rather than an irrigation system, you might be wondering how long you have to water your lawn for. As long as the sprinkler is targeted to the parts of your grass that require moisture, you can water it for between 20-30 minutes.

Once that amount of time is up, you can move your sprinkler to the next part of your lawn. Using a sprinkler can be a bit more wasteful and time-consuming than other watering methods. Consider whether it might be time to upgrade to something a little more suitable for your needs.

Keep your lawns thriving this summer!

Whether you want to keep your lawn healthy for summer activities, or you simply wish the best health for it, there can be value in watering your lawns properly. Adopt a regular lawnmowing schedule and talk to a lawn mowing company about their recommendations for watering.

Most importantly, remember to follow all local council requirements regarding water restrictions and general water usage.

Klaris Chua-Pineda