Crewcut Lawn & Garden

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The Benefits of Organic Lawn Fertilisers and Pesticides

With shelf upon shelf in your average garden store dedicated to lawn fertilisers and pesticides, it’s only natural to be overwhelmed. You can be even more confused when you realise synthetic and organic/natural options exist. Which should you choose and why? You may be more inclined to choose organic lawn fertilisers and pesticides for these reasons:

Better for the Environment

There’s more than effectiveness and convenience to consider when buying lawn fertilisers and pesticides. Environmental-friendliness can also be an essential consideration. Organic fertilisers and pesticides are far better for the environment than their synthetic counterparts. They tend to have natural ingredients like plant extracts, compost, manure, and bone meal. These ingredients are biodegradable, meaning you don’t have to worry about chemicals being in the soil for decades to come.

In contrast, synthetic lawn and garden products can be harmful. They may leach chemicals into the soil and waterways. Studies have even found that excessive fertiliser and pesticide use can contribute to soil degradation, a decline in water quality and availability, and increased greenhouse gas emissions.

Enhanced Soil Health

While synthetic lawn fertilisers and pesticides contribute to reduced soil health, organic varieties do the opposite. They can often improve soil structure and even enhance microbial activity. This, in turn, can result in better soil health and fertility. After swapping to organic lawn care products, you may see more helpful organisms like beneficial bacteria and earthworms.

Safer Wildlife and Pets

We do everything in our power to keep our pets safe, such as ensuring adequate fencing and booking regular vet checks and vaccinations. Yet, many pet owners take these actions before releasing them into a yard with synthetic and potentially poisonous lawn fertilisers and pesticides.

These products can be hazardous to health and may also cause skin irritation if touched. You don’t tend to have to worry as much with organic products. While you should still take care with pets around organic fertilisers and pesticides, the risk of harm is generally much lower.

To Ward Off Lawn Diseases

Lawn diseases can be frustrating for yard-proud homeowners. All your hard work can go down the drain when lawn fungus or creatures take hold. While organic fertilisers and pesticides may not prevent diseases, they can play a role in warding them off.

Organic fertilisers, in particular, work like booster shots. You can enjoy beneficial soil microorganisms that help your lawn access the necessary nutrients. Healthy, strong lawns are much less likely to succumb to disease.

Slow Release

Synthetic fertilisers and pesticides are typically fast-acting. There is also a risk of runoff, nutrient leaching, and nutrient imbalances.

Organic fertilisers work a little differently. They tend to release nutrients slowly and decompose over time. Plants then get to enjoy a steady flow of nutrients when they need it. In essence, this can mean that plants get more of what they need, with less going into the surrounding environment.

Better Sustainability

Organic lawn care products are all about giving your lawns and plants a healthy foundation. When they are strong enough to take care of themselves, they can be more resilient in the future. This can mean that a small amount of effort with organic lawn fertilisers and pesticides in the beginning can mean less later on.

What is the Best Organic Fertiliser for Lawns?  

You might know that organic fertiliser is the best option for your lawns, but that doesn’t mean you know what to buy. Whether you’re looking for a fertiliser for vegetables, trees, plants, or lawns, look for products with these critical components:

  • Blood and bone

  • Sulphur

  • Magnesium

  • Calcium

  • Trace elements  

How to Create Your Own Natural Pesticides

While your local garden store likely has many organic pesticides to choose from, you can also make them yourself using everyday pantry ingredients.

Anyone with aphid and caterpillar problems may see the value in garlic mixed with dish soap and water. It has a pleasant odour and takes care of those pesky insects. If you have fungal problems, baking soda can be the answer. It can be a recipe for success when mixed with vegetable oil, dish soap, and water.

Even beetles and mites can be given their marching orders with household products. Vegetable oil mixed with mild liquid soap sprayed onto the affected plants can often be effective. The moral of the story is that you don’t always have to reach for harmful chemicals to get rid of nasty bugs and diseases threatening your plants and lawn.

Ask Our Lawn Care Experts

If you have lawn care-related questions like the best organic lawn fertilisers and pesticides, our lawn care experts are here to help! You can also rely on them to provide a range of lawn care services like lawn mowing, weeding, gardening, tree trimming, and more.