Crewcut Lawn & Garden

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7 Steps to Revive Your Lawn During Drought

Drought conditions are a lawn lover’s worst nightmare. When your grass doesn’t get adequate moisture, it can struggle to thrive. Many homeowners even see their lawns die altogether.

You might be unable to prevent your lawn from suffering during the drier months of the year, but you might limit the impact drought conditions have. Try taking some of the steps below!

Step 1: Change Your Mowing Height

Most people don’t give their mowing height much thought. You just haul the mower out of the tool shed and start mowing. However, it’s worth thinking about mowing height when rainfall is limited. The taller your grass, the easier it can be for your soil to retain the very little moisture it has.

When the soil retains moisture, the root systems can be healthier, and weeds are less likely to go to seed and take over your lawn. As a general rule, aim to cut no lower than 5cm. It’s also a good idea not to mow more than a third of the grass’s height at a time. If you cut your lawn too low and damage the grass, it will take a great deal of time and water to help it recover.

Step 2: Water Deeply and Infrequently

If your region isn’t yet facing water shortages or restrictions, you might see the value in watering your lawn deeply and infrequently. Once a week should suffice, with the best time being before dawn or after the sun goes down. Avoid watering during the day since the hot temperatures can cause the water to evaporate before it gets to where it needs to be!

If water restrictions are in place, watering your lawn will, of course, not be an option. However, you might consider investing in a rainwater collection system to keep your plants and lawns healthy during periods of water shortages.

Infrequent, deep watering promotes healthy and long roots. Your lawn might then find it easier to withstand drought conditions in the future.

Step 3: Stay Off the Lawn

As challenging as it might be to keep your family and pets off the lawn, it can be vital for its health when it’s struggling with high temperatures. Grass is much easier to damage during drought conditions. You also face soil compaction with use. The more compacted your soil, the harder it can be for any moisture to penetrate the soil and keep your grass healthy or alive.

Step 4: Mow Without the Catcher

Most people won’t be too upset about not having to empty their catcher every few rows to empty their clippings. When drought conditions hit your area, feel free to mow without the catcher! A small amount of grass clippings can function as mulch for your lawn, giving your soil all the valuable nutrients it needs to keep your grass healthy.

Step 5: Stop Fertilising

Fertiliser helps to keep your lawn healthy, so you might be confused about why you should stop fertilising in drought conditions. After all, this is when your lawn is struggling the most! Too much fertiliser during the most intense summer months can burn your lawn. If you must use fertiliser, apply it at least one month before intense summer weather kicks in. You might also get away with using a mild, organic slow-release fertiliser.

Step 6: Sharpen Your Mower Blade

You likely already perform mower maintenance before the grass-growing season begins, but it becomes even more important during summer. If your blades aren’t sharp, they have the potential to shred your grass, causing the edges to go brown and affect your lawn’s overall health.

While some homeowners have the tools and knowledge to sharpen their mower blades at home, you can also take them to your local mower repair business and have them perform blade sharpening and other servicing tasks for you.

Step 7: Wait

You won’t always be able to stop your lawn from going brown. Drought conditions can take a toll on everyone’s property. The good news is that, in most cases, lawns can bounce back. They might look dead on the surface, but the root systems can simply be waiting for decent rainfall before it decides to recover.

As soon as the temperatures start to plummet towards the end of summer, you can count down the days until your lawn is lush, green, and healthy once more.

Take Care of Your Lawn During Drought

Brown lawns can be unsightly. The good news is that you have options! Take these steps above, and you might be able to guide your grass through the worst of the hot weather relatively unscathed. If you need any advice or lawn care services during this time, reach out to Crewcut for a helping hand. Lawn care experts are always available to answer any lawn care-related questions you might have.