Your Ultimate Guide to Making the Grass Greener

As the saying goes, the grass is always greener on the other side. But why can’t you have the greener grass? Why should you always be envious of what your neighbour has? In this guide, we run through a few tips and tricks that will see you on the right track to having a lawn that makes your neighbours envious of you. Read on to discover the secret for thick, lush, and green grass.

Start with soil

You could have the most beautiful home on your street, but if the foundation is wonky or not quite right, it definitely won’t stay beautiful. Cracks will begin to show, and your existence in that home will be nothing but miserable. The same rules apply for grass with poor soil. If you don’t have the best foundation for your grass to grow, then you’ll never be able to enjoy thick, green grass. 


You will need to carry out a soil test to determine whether your soil needs anything to produce healthy grass. The best pH level for dirt is between six and 7.2. If your soil’s pH levels show that it’s too alkaline, you can bring the pH level down with sulphur.

If it’s too high (acidic), then lime application can help to correct the problem. If you’re not an expert in pH levels and how to fix them, then it’s a good idea to hire a gardener or lawn expert who can rectify the problem before focusing on your lawn. 

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Overseed your lawns

In many cases, you can fall into the trap of having too much of a good thing. When it comes to grass, that’s not always true. If you’re trying to achieve the same thick, lush grass as your neighbours, then overseeding is key. 

This process involves adding grass seed to your lawn that thickens your existing turf or fills the gaps on a thin lawn. It’s essential to choose a grass seed that’s appropriate for your area. Someone who knows a thing or two about lawn mowing can help you select the best seed type. 

Don’t underestimate fertiliser

Many people assume that fertiliser is only for gardens, but it’s also a valuable addition to lawns as well - especially if you want them to be healthy, strong, and green. With continuous rainfall and irrigation, soil can lose its nutrients, which ultimately affects your grass health. Frequent fertilisation can lead to thicker lawns that are healthier, greener, and boast vigorous root growth. 

Mow properly 


Lawn mowing is not something that everyone takes pride in - and that’s okay. That’s why lawn mowing companies exist - to take care of something that you don’t want to. However, if you desire green, attractive lawns, then you need to do one of two things: care how you mow or pay someone who cares how they mow. 

How you undertake lawn mowing can make all the difference to your lawn’s appearance. The fastest way to achieve thin, brown, and unattractive grass is by lobbing off more than a third of your lawn’s height in one pass. Instead of leaving your lawns until they are at an unmanageable height that requires immediate and drastic action, mow a little bit but often. 

It also helps if your lawnmower blades are sharp as torn or shredded grass invite lawn diseases that turn lush green grass blades into dead, brown ones. 

Each time you mow your lawns, change your pattern. Cutting in different ways can ensure your grass is straight and thick, rather than angled and a little bit wiry. 

And if you still have no luck…

Not everyone is blessed with the time, talents, or inclination to succeed in premium grass growth. You might be short on time, have other commitments, or you’re just not that into lawn care - and that’s not an issue! Fortunately, you can skip all those steps above and hire an expert in lawn care to take care of it for you. 

Hiring someone to manage your lawns for you can save a lot of bother. They can establish a treatment plan to get your grass back on track, then follow it up with regular care that you can’t offer. You’ll have that thriving, lush patch of green grass in no time.  

The grass may be greener on the other side, but it doesn’t have to be that way forever. Start taking pride in your lawns today, or consider hiring a lawn care expert who can. You can then enjoy your yard all summer long while being the envy of your neighbours for once.

Klaris Chua-Pineda