How to Keep High-Traffic Areas in Your Lawn Looking Good

Does your lawn have a dark secret? You might be showing off a bowling green-like lawn to all your neighbours, but those high-traffic areas leave much to be desired. You know the area we’re talking about; the flattened, worn, and even muddy part of your lawn that sees the most action by pets, children, and those navigating their way to the clothesline.

You might think you have to put up with an awful patch of lawn that never seems to look like all the rest, but you don’t. Here are our top tips for how to keep high-traffic areas in your lawn looking good.

Tip # 1: Mow your lawn regularly

To keep your lawn as healthy as possible, mow regularly. However, by regularly, we mean establish a regular routine. Your lawn may benefit from being taller in high-traffic areas because the extra padding underfoot can limit root damage.

However, when the time comes to haul out the lawnmower, mow a different route each time. Alternating mowing patterns can reduce the risk of you trampling the same path time and time again, leading to damage.

Tip # 2: Add mulch to the grass

While you don’t see too many people scattering mulch on their lawn, this action can be surprisingly helpful for high-traffic areas of lawn that are starting to look a little sad. A layer of mulch keeps moisture in the soil, which may allow for more robust, deeper roots and overall healthier grass.

Tip # 3: Aerate your lawn

There is a long list of reasons why lawn aeration can be crucial, and overall aesthetics in high-traffic areas is one of them. When you use a lawn aerating tool to drive holes into the soil, you’re improving air exchange between the earth and the atmosphere.

The soil can absorb more moisture, which leads to reduced water runoff and puddles in heavy rain. Lawn aeration may also allow for better fertiliser uptake by your soil, improved root strength, less soil compaction, and even better cushioning.

These benefits can all lead to one thing: a healthy lawn. The healthier your lawn is, the less likely it is to succumb to damage from children playing sports, pets doing zoomies, and other lawn activities.

Tip # 4: Apply fertiliser monthly

Most avid gardeners understand the importance of fertilising their garden, but did you know that once-monthly fertiliser application to your lawn during the growing season can also be helpful?

Fertilising your lawn can allow for strong roots, healthy grass and soil, and even fewer weeds. Some people also notice a difference in their property sale rate when they’ve taken the time to address those high-traffic and poor-growing lawn areas. 

If you’re unsure about using chemicals, you can opt for organic fertilisers such as worm castings and compost. 

Tip # 5: Keep on top of lawn health

Even though you might only need to focus on those high-traffic parts of your lawn, there’s no reason why you can’t address the health needs of your entire lawn.

Trim the edges regularly to keep your lawns looking neat, and use weed-and-feed products to stop weed growth in its tracks. Some people also see the value in pre-emergent herbicides for crabgrass control, and watering deeply to prevent pests and grass disease.

Don’t neglect your flowerbeds, trees, and shrubs in the process. Give them a healthy serving of mulch to maintain moisture levels as the warmer weather kicks in.

Tip # 6: Separate your lawn areas

If you’re tired of having your entire lawn looking like a battleground, consider the layout of your property and see if it’s a possibility to separate your lawn areas. You might be able to put a fence between the back and the front lawn and leave one area looking neat and tidy year-round.

Giving your pets access to one part of your property and not the other can also save you time cleaning up their toys and waste before lawn mowing begins.

Tip # 7: Leave your lawn alone

If the kids always want to kick a ball around, or your dogs are interested in a game of fetch, consider taking these activities elsewhere if your lawn is not at its best. During the cooler weather, in particular, soil can be soft and damp, leading to grass damage.

Consider taking your dogs to a dog park or dog-friendly field to play a game of fetch. Children, too, can have the time of their lives kicking a ball around at a nearby sports field.

And finally: Let lawn mowing experts take care of business

You might not have the time or inclination to take care of those trouble spots on your lawn, but lawn care experts do. If you’d prefer to spend your free time on your hobbies, rather than lawn aeration and fertiliser, contact someone in the lawn mowing industry. They can have your lawn looking healthy and well looked after in no time.

Klaris Chua-Pineda