Lawn Ground Preparation: How to Prepare a New Lawn

Planting grass seeds

With heavy use over the summer period, any average lawn can find itself damaged beyond repair. Bald spots, uneven patches, and even holes can all offer a less than impressive image – and one that can bring down the overall presentation of your home.

Many might think they have to suffer with what they’ve got or simply believe it will surely fix itself over time. However, starting from scratch can often be the best, or only, course of action. You can hire a lawn care professional to take care of it for you, or you can take note of these helpful tips below. Here is how to prepare a new lawn you can be proud of.

Step 1: Prepare the ground

Fortunately for those who don’t want to spend every waking moment preparing a new lawn, section sizes in New Zealand are getting smaller. Where once a house would take up a mere 11.85% of a property, it now takes up 46%. You can then take care of all your lawn care requirements often in less time due to a smaller lawn area.

Less time doesn’t mean less care, however. Once autumn or spring hits, bring out the weed killer to take care of your old lawns, weeds, and any plants you want to get rid of. Once they have dried and browned off, remove them so that you effectively have a blank canvas.

Follow this process up with a lawn preparation mix from your local garden centre. Such a product offers much-needed fertiliser and nutrients for your soil to produce healthy grass.

If you’ve never been all that happy with the lumps and bumps in your lawn, then now’s your chance to correct them. Rake, fill, and roll your earth until it’s the picture of perfection!

Step 2: Plant your lawn

Whether you hired someone to help with lawn care, or you took care of the labour-intensive part yourself, it’s now time to plant your lawn. You’re one step further to that picture-perfect yard you’ve always wanted.

Before you sow your lawn seed, water the soil. It also helps to choose a fast-growing lawn seed variety or one that suits your regional conditions. There is a myriad of different options from which to choose, such as tall fescue, fine fescue, couch grass, rye, or a mixed blend. If you’re not sure which will suit your needs the best, consult a lawn professional.

The fast-growing variety of lawn seed you choose can ensure you see growth in as little as seven days, provided the weather holds up and lends a helping hand!

Believe it or not, there is a certain way to sow grass seed that can see you enjoy premium growth. Always sow your seeds on a fine day with no adverse weather conditions on their way. Make sure you read the instructions on the grass seed thoroughly before you begin, as well.

Sow your seeds east to west, then north to south, to increase your chances of more even growth. Pull your rake out of the tool shed and use it to rake your soil lightly for even coverage.

Your grass seed is now going to begin its germination period, so lightly water the soil and do so daily. Your soil should always be moist, but not so much as to create puddles, for this can cause your seeds to bunch together.

Once your lawn grows, it can be tempting to haul out your lawnmower to enjoy that freshly mown grass smell. However, your new grass needs time to develop its root structure. Wait until you have a minimum of five centimetres of growth. You can then call a lawn care company to start regular mowing and lawn care in the weeks and months to come.

Caring for your lawn should be prioritised

Step 3: Care for your lawn

You put all this time and effort into the growth of your lawn, so now it’s up to you to maintain it. The healthier and more luscious your lawns are, the less likely they will fall victim to troublesome weeds, such as broadleaf.

Use a new lawns slow-release fertiliser to promote growth. In spring and autumn, all-purpose fertiliser can help with ongoing health and vitality. Watering and continuous nourishment can also be the key to keeping pests, weeds, disease, and insects at bay. Not everyone has time for lawn care, however, so hiring someone to mow your lawns can take a lot of the stress off your shoulders.

It’s time for lawn preparation

Lawns you’re proud of are a labour of love. They take time, care, maintenance, and ongoing attention. If you’re not happy with how your lawns look or feel, then why not take action? Spring and autumn conditions are ideal for new growth, and there’s no better time to get that lawn you desire than now. Follow these three steps above, or consider hiring someone in lawn care to take care of them for you.

Klaris Chua-Pineda