How Smart Homes are Saving Water


People are all looking to save a little extra money on bills and expenses. At the same time, many are also looking to reduce our environmental footprint. One of the easiest yet most impactful ways to make this happen is by reducing water consumption. With drought issues cropping up in New Zealand and beyond, homeowners are continuously looking for ways to save water in their homes.

Thankfully, technology comes to the rescue, and there are plenty of feature-packed devices and tools you can get for the home that will allow you to conserve water in a breeze. 

Low-Flow Plumbing Hardware

When it comes to your faucets and showerheads, you tend to waste a lot of water without even realising it. Opting for low-flow options helps you instantly reduce the amount of water flowing through your home. Typically, you can expect to save a few bucks on your water bill as most models reduce usage up to 40% without impacting the way you would usually shower or wash your hands. Many low-flow models have the capabilities to be paired with sensors and in-home technology that reduces even more usage or touch-sensitive controls to regulate water usage. 

Detecting Leaks Before They Happen

Not only is a leak detector an excellent idea for any home to prevent significant and costly damage, but it helps prevent a lot of unnecessarily wasted water. Since most homeowners are not plumbers, some devices help immediately identify leaks before they become major concerns. Smart tech leak detectors can alert homeowners at the first signs of extra condensation, small leaks, drips, or flooding. They are handy if you don’t spend a lot of time in your basement or attic, which are locations where it’s likely to occur. 


Energy-Efficient Appliances

If you are the proud owner of older appliances, washers, and dishwashers, you may be wasting a lot of water without realising it. Replacing your old ones with new appliances with a high Water Rating (the more stars the more water efficient) can save you a significant amount of money. These impressive machines can almost 4,000 gallons of water during their lifespan. You can expect to see some savings on your water bill from this one upgrade. 

So when acquiring new appliances that use water, just follow the stars!

Shower Timers

Daily showering is a part of life, and if you have a large family, they’re likely a constant occurrence in your home. Especially if you’re prone to taking longer showers, you could be wasting a significant amount of water. There are plenty of smart shower timers on the market that help reduce the amount of time you’re spending every morning. It may take some getting used to, as you’ll have to be mindful of how fast you’re going, but installing this will save you time and money. 

Irrigation Systems

As a homeowner, taking care of lawns may be a chore you love to do or something you automatically turn over to your lawn and garden expert (hint: it’s called Crewcut). Either way, investing in an irrigation system is commonly suggested in lawn care guides and is an excellent option for those who don’t have the energy and time to do it on their own. The common problem, however, is that some people would turn on their sprinklers and completely forget about them, which leads to wastage of plenty of water.

Smart irrigation controls allow for in-ground sprinklers to turn on at a designated time, respond to the water concentration in the soil, and turn off when it’s done. You’ll never forget to water the lawn or accidentally leave your sprinkler running for an hour again.

Surely, your home’s external appeal can depend on your grass looking its best, and it can cost a fortune to restore an improperly maintained one. It’s just as important not to overwater or waste a lot of water, and it’s hard to judge just by looking at your grass if it’s been appropriately watered. 

In conclusion, there are plenty of easy and affordable smart home tools and practices you can choose to implement that will save you money in the long run while reducing your water usage and impact on the environment. 


This article was contributed by Richard Frankel, a real estate agent from Ontario, Canada.

Klaris Chua-Pineda