Crewcut Lawn & Garden

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Getting the Right Outdoor Furniture to Match Your Garden

Many people consider their gardens their own little slices of paradise. They plant flowers and shrubs they adore, landscape them how they want, and enjoy them as much as they can in their spare time.

While choosing suitable plants for a garden can be easy for many people, finding the right outdoor furniture to match is not always as straightforward. If the time has come to invest in outdoor furniture to make your garden fully functional for your entire family, consider taking the following approach.

Outline Your Goals

Everyone has different goals when it comes to furnishing their outdoor space. You might want a serene and peaceful space to enjoy on your own or an expansive area suitable for entertaining your friends and family.

Once you understand what it is you’re actually wanting, designing the space and shopping for new furniture can suddenly become much more manageable.

Write a Shopping List

The average furniture store can be overwhelming. There can be so many options to choose from in various styles, and you only have limited space to work with.

After thinking about your goals, write a shopping list that includes everything you’ll need to complete the look you’re trying to achieve. Be as detailed as possible, as multiple pieces will need to work together in harmony.

For example, if you’re creating an entertainer’s paradise, your list might look a little something like this:

  • Six-seater dining set

  • Outdoor lighting

  • A barbeque

  • A bench seat

  • Cushions for the bench seat

  • Outdoor placemats

  • An outdoor rug

Try Before You Buy

As luxurious and stylish as outdoor furniture might look, its comfort and functionality can be far more important in the long run. Don’t be afraid to try before you buy when at your local furniture store.

Sit on furniture as you would if it were on your own property, and see if it has adequate support and cushioning to suit your needs. If you find that a particular piece you adore just isn’t comfortable enough, you might be able to compromise by purchasing plush cushions in a weather-resistant fabric to provide the support you require.

Consider Your Time Constraints

Not everyone has hours of spare time each week to dedicate to outdoor area maintenance. The little spare time you do have, you’d much prefer to spend it actually enjoying the space. Therefore, make sure any outdoor furniture you buy to match your garden is easy-care. The less time you spend maintaining it, the more time you can spend enjoying it.

Perform research on the different materials that require more maintenance and time than others. For example, wrought iron requires minimal care and maintenance to keep it looking at its best, while plastic is easy to wipe down and strong to last the distance.

However, it’s important to note that at least a small amount of maintenance will be required with whichever materials you purchase. You might also see the value in storing away outdoor furniture in the winter months to keep it looking at its best for as long as possible.

Play With Colour

Whether your home is contemporary or classic, don’t be afraid to play with colour. If you have a brightly coloured house door, consider complementing that colour in your outdoor space with vibrant chair cushions or plant pots.

While neutral hues are undoubtedly the most popular options, you might be surprised by how tasteful a burst of red, blue, or yellow can look when put in the right places.

Match Styles

A classic, charming home will never look as modern as a new build. While you can add some contemporary elegance with garden edging, low-maintenance grasses, and bold plant pots, you might also decide to stick with your home’s theme – classic.

The same goes for new builds. It can sometimes be challenging for a cottage garden to work in harmony with a contemporary home and vice versa. Establish whether you have a modern or classic home and purchase furniture to suit. You might be surprised by how many options blend seamlessly with your home’s overall style.

Opt for Quality

As tempting as it can be to purchase an entry-level dining set because it’s available at a bargain price, think about how much use it will have. The more money you spend on quality furniture, the longer the set can typically last and the more enjoyment you get from it.

The same goes for accessories and other furniture you plan to purchase for your outdoor space. While it’s always a good idea to stick to a budget, it can sometimes mean that you must replace furniture long before you intended.

Enjoy Your Transformed Outdoor Space

As daunting as putting together an outdoor space can be, it can be worth it when you see the final result and can enjoy it with loved ones. Now might be the right time to take note of these tips above and turn your outdoor area into something truly magical.