Crewcut Lawn & Garden

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On Mowing Lawns and Burning Calories

Not everyone has the time and, let’s face it, the desire to hit the gym. We all know that experts recommend two and a half hours of moderate exercise throughout the week, but the thought of working up a sweat on a treadmill in a crowded gym is many people’s idea of torture.

While exercise is necessary, there are plenty of ways to get it, and one such way is lawn mowing. Who knew that by doing something many of us have to do, we’re burning calories?


Burn Calories While Mowing the Lawns

The average person can burn between 350 and 450 calories pushing a mower for a single hour. Even using a ride-on mower can help you reach your goals, allowing you to burn between 175 and 225 calories an hour.

So, if you were to get into the lawn mowing business and mow for an hour each day, you would be able to burn up to 3,150 calories in a single week!

Summer is also one of the best times to mow the lawn, but it’s also when we like to be socialising, indulging in cheeseboards, and drinking our favourite summer beverages. Offset some of those caloric gains by setting time aside for lawn mowing and other garden tasks.  

You’re probably thinking that you can’t mow your lawns every day if you’re not a lawn mowing business owner, and you’d be right. However, there are other ways to burn calories by pottering around your garden.

You can burn 107 calories by simply watering your lawn or garden and up to 272 by raking your lawn or leaves, using a moderate amount of effort. Those who like to use a push applicator to apply fertilizer or lawn seed can also burn up to 179 calories.

Walking with a hand mower allows you to burn the most calories out of all garden tasks at 430, while general garden tasks come in second at up to 394. Sacking leaves and using a power mower might also allow you to work off the equivalent of an English muffin breakfast, which is up to about 400 calories.


And What About the Mental Benefits?

Gardening for mental health has appeared in countless studies, so you’re reaping more than just the physical rewards when you venture out into your yard and get stuck into some chores.

Hospital studies of 79 patients found that people felt more relaxed, calmer, stronger, and more refreshed when spending time with plants. Other studies showed that gardening is an ideal stress relief option while also potentially improving your attention span.


Take Care With Summer Mowing

Knowing that accelerated grass growth is expected during the warmer months of the year, you might find yourself behind the handle of a mower more often than not during summer. Even though enjoying a nice-looking lawn and burning calories can be your main priorities, it’s essential to focus on how the heat of the day might be affecting your physical health.

Take frequent breaks to avoid overheating, particularly if you have a large area to mow. Make sure you drink plenty of water and wear sunscreen to avoid getting sunburnt.

If you are using lawn mowing as a weight-loss tool, consult your doctor before beginning any exercise or diet programme. Mowing your own lawn once a week may not see the need for medical intervention, but mowing everyone else’s in a lawn care business role might require a doctor’s approval, depending on any health conditions you may have.


Be Comfortable While Burning Calories

Exercise isn’t always going to be comfortable, but using lawn mowing as a way to burn calories doesn’t have to be uncomfortable. Before you get started, make sure you and your mower are fit for the job.

Make sure you have proper posture and techniques while mowing to avoid injuries and make the task easier. When using any gardening tools, like mowers, weed eaters, line trimmers, and similar, choose ones to suit your height. The more suited they are to your body, the more comfortable you can be.

Finally, if you’re keen to burn calories but also get out of the summer sunshine as quickly as possible, pay attention to your mowing habits. Start on one side of your property and work your way to the other. The same goes for other gardening tasks like hedge trimming, weeding, and general garden tidy-ups.


Or, Burn Calories Doing Something Fun

Let’s face it; property maintenance is not everyone’s idea of fun. You can burn calories mowing lawns, but you can also burn them swimming at a pool or sauntering down your local beach. There is always the option to leave all yard maintenance tasks in the capable hands of lawn care experts. They not only love burning calories but seeing a job well done.